Source code for colonel.upostag

"""Module providing the :class:`.UposTag` enumeration."""

from enum import Enum, auto

__all__ = ['UposTag']

[docs]class UposTag(Enum): """Enumeration of *Universal POS tags*. These tags mark the core part-of-speech categories according to the *Universal Dependencies* framework. See also the ``UPOS`` field in the *CoNLL-U* format. **Note:** always refer to the name of each member; values are automatically generated and thus **MUST** be considered opaque. """ #: adjective ADJ = auto() #: adposition ADP = auto() #: adverb ADV = auto() #: auxiliary AUX = auto() #: coordinating conjunction CCONJ = auto() #: determiner DET = auto() #: interjection INTJ = auto() #: noun NOUN = auto() #: numeral NUM = auto() #: particle PART = auto() #: pronoun PRON = auto() #: proper noun PROPN = auto() #: punctuation PUNCT = auto() #: subordinating conjunction SCONJ = auto() #: symbol SYM = auto() #: verb VERB = auto() #: other X = auto()